2025 : 3 : 14
Khalil Gholami

Khalil Gholami

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 36145998200
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Phone: شماره داخلی: 2352


  • PhD. in Title of Docent of Educational Sciences , University of Helsinki , Finland (2016 - 2017)
    Thesis title:
  • PhD. in Education , University of Helsinki , Finland (2006 - 2009)
    Thesis title: Representing the epistemic nature of teachers' practical knowledge: The case of class teachers' general pedagogy.
  • MSc. in Educational Planning , University of Tehran , Iran (1996 - 1998)
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  • BSc. in EEducational technology , University of Tabriz , Iran (1989 - 1993)
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Research activities

Journal Papers
Conference Papers
Construction and deconstruction of student teachers’ professional identity: A narrative study Khalil Gholami, Sonia Faraji, Paulien Meijer, Kirsi Tirri (2021)
Analytical reflection on teachers' practical knowledge: A case study of exemplary teachers in an educational reform context Hossein Chaharbashloo, Khalil Gholami, Majid Aliasgari, Hossein Talebzadeh, Nematollah Mousapour (2020)
Moral conflicts in Iranian secondary schools Nasibeh Hedayati, Elina Kuusisteo, Khalil Gholami, Kirsi Tirri (2019)
Life purposes of Iranian secondary school students Nasibeh Hedayati, Elina Kuusisteo, Khalil Gholami, Kirsi Tirri (2017)
Finnish and Iranian teachers’ views on their competence to teach purpose Elina Kuusisteo, Khalil Gholami, Kirsi Tirri (2016)

Research interests

  • academic diplomacy and legitimization
  • virtual learning and web-based education
  • Effective teaching in teaching and pedagogy
  • teachers’ Practical knowledge and thinking
  • teachers professional identity and agency
  • pedagogy, culture and society
  • teaching and teacher education

Executive activities

  • A member of International council at Farhangian University, Iran (from 2014-present (1393 - 1397)
  • Member of International Study Association of Teachers and Teaching (1386 - 1397)