2025 : 3 : 7
Jalil Fathi

Jalil Fathi

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 4564
Faculty: Faculty of Language and Literature


Examining Longitudinal Trajectories of Pre-service Teachers’ Self-efficacy and Emotional Exhaustion: The Contribution of Blogging-mediated EFL Reflective Professional Development Program
Longitudinal Trajectories, Self-efficacy, Emotional Exhaustion, Blogging-mediated, EFL Reflective Program
Researchers Jalil Fathi


The recently growing interest in use of ICT in TESOL has sig nificantly changed teaching methods, approaches and materi als as well as the learning environment. In line with this shift of orientation, educational blogging has enjoyed momentous popularity and relatively recently been integrated into the teaching and learning environ ments. Numerous studies have stressed the role of blogs in enhancing reflective thinking and reflective practice among pre-service teachers. In addition, although a burgeoning body of research has centered on teachers’ self-efficacy, teachers’ burnout, and their interconnection, the investigation of the change in the two variables over time has remained an uncharted territory. The aim of the present study was to investigate and predict the patterns of change or longitudinal trajectories in self-efficacy and emotional exhaustion of a sample of Iranian pre-service teachers (N = 146) of English who experienced a blogging-mediated EFL reflective professional development program for a year-long period of time. The participants of the current study took part in a reflective professional development program whose primary purpose was to develop reflection and reflective thinking among the in-service teachers by the use of blogging. The pre-service English teachers responded to a series of self-efficacy and emotional exhaustion scales over the period of one year. The results of the latent curve modelling analysis revealed the patterns of a significant decrease of emotional exhaustion and an increase of teacher self-efficacy over the period of one year. Theoretical and pedagogical implications of the study are for Iranian EFL teacher education program are finally discussed.