Condition monitoring of the power transformer winding and diagnose of the fault in itsincipient stages can prevent the spread of defect, and as a result, the unexpected exit ofthe transformer. Correct and accurate perception of the effects of each defect or windingdeformation on the detailed or any other model parameters is essential. In this article, asoftware based on finite element method is used, in order to increase accuracy of the studyto model the transformer in healthy and defected cases. Three types of winding mechan-ical deformation, that is, axial displacement, radial deformation, and disc space variation ,have been simulated for different locations and extents. From the simulation of the finiteelement model in the healthy and other defected cases, R, L, and C matrices are obtainedfor each case. Each of the above matrices in defected cases has been compared with thecorresponding matrix of the healthy case. The amount and manner of the above matrices’element variations have been investigated in detail, might help the fault classification interms of the type, extent and location, and risk assessment of using the transformer in thecurrent defective situation