2025 : 3 : 7
Himan Shahabi

Himan Shahabi

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 23670602300
HIndex: 0/00
Faculty: Faculty of Natural Resources
Address: Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran
Phone: 087-33664600-8 داخلی 4312


Assessment and Validation of Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Mountainous Basin Using Spatial-Based Statistical Models and Remote Sensing Techniques
Satellite images, Landslide Susceptibility map, spatial-based statistical, central Zab basin, Iran.
Researchers Himan Shahabi ، Bakhtyar Ali Ahmad


Destructive outcomes of landslides in connection to human life along with overall economy system of many nations around the globe are very severe. In this study, analytical hierarchy process (AHP) model used in Expert Choice software also used fuzzy logic with IDRISI software for prepared landslide susceptibility map for central Zab basin in the southwest mountainsides of West-Azerbaijan province in Iran. Ten factors as slope, aspect, elevation, lithology, NDVI, land cover, precipitation, distance to fault, distance to drainage, and distance to road is used. Landsat ETM+ image was used for NDVI and land cover maps. Also landslide-inventory map of the study area was identified by SPOT 5 satellite. Then fuzzy algebraic operators were applied to the fuzzy membership values for landslide susceptibility mapping. The fuzzy operators are validated using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and the area under curve values were calculated. Based on the result of the obtained susceptibility map by AHP model, 6.08% (31.61km2) of the total area show very high landslide susceptibility. Also, among the fuzzy operators, the gamma operator (λ = 0.975) showed the best accuracy (94.64%) while the fuzzy OR operator was applied showed the worst accuracy (85.11%). The resultant maps would be useful for regional spatial planning as well as for land cover planning.