2025 : 2 : 14
Hamed Ghobari

Hamed Ghobari

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 56801091100
Faculty: Faculty of Agriculture
Phone: 09183715818


First record of the genus Scirula (Acari: Trombidiformes: Cunaxidae) from Iran
Scirulinae; Predatory mites; AGA; Agricultural fields.
Researchers Milad Davari ، Masoud Hakimitabar ، Hamed Ghobari ، Saeid Paktinat-Saeij


Cunaxids are common predatory mites that are present in forest systems, grasslands, agricultural fields, and anthropogenically disturbed areas. Cunaxids have been reported to feed on active prey such as springtails (Collembola), bark lice, thrips, and relatively inactive prey such as scales, nematodes and phytophagous mites. Scirulinae Den Heyer, 1980 is a monobasic subfamily, with the single genus Scirula, containing two described species recorded from China, Denmark, Italy, Japan and USA. Scirula can be distinguished from other genus in Cunaxidae by having palps 4-segmented, palps end in a stout claw and coxae I–IV fused. During an investigation from 2020 to 2021 several specimens of the family Cunaxidae were found in different places in Shahrood city, Semnan province. Collected specimens were extracted using the Berlese-Tullgren funnel and put into AGA solution. Mites were cleared in lactic acid and then microscopic slides were mounted in Hoyer’s medium. During this study, two specimens (slides) of Scirula were collected and identified. The species is new to science and also this genus is considered a new record from Iran.