2024 : 7 : 17
Fateme Daneshfar

Fateme Daneshfar

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 35078447100
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Address: Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kurdistan


Elastic Deep Autoencoder for Text Embedding Clustering by an Improved Graph Regularization
Deep autoencoder;Text clusteringGraph; regularizationText embedding
Journal Expert Systems with Applications
Researchers Fateme Daneshfar ، Sayvan Soleymanbaigi ، Ali Nafisi ، Pedram Yamini


Text clustering is a task for grouping extracted information of the text in different clusters, which has many applications in recommender systems, sentiment analysis, and more. Deep learning-based methods have become increasingly popular due to their high accuracy in identifying nonlinear structures. They usually consist of two major parts: dimensionality reduction and clustering. Autoencoders are simple unsupervised neural networks used for better representation of low-dimensional data and have shown good performance in dealing with non-linear features. However, while they utilize the Frobenius norm to deal well with Gaussian noise, they are sensitive to outlier data and Laplacian noise. In this paper, a deep autoencoder with an adapted elastic loss for text embedding clustering (EDA-TEC) is proposed. The elastic loss is a combination of the Frobenius norm and -norm to consider both types of noises. Additionally, to maintain the high-dimensional data geometric structure, a modified graph regularization term based on the weighted cosine similarity measure is used. EDA-TEC also improves clustering results by considering the sparsity regularization of the manifold representation data. In this jointly end-to-end deep learning model, better representation and text clustering results are achieved with high accuracy on common datasets compared to existing methods.1