2024 : 7 : 26
Erfan Rajabi

Erfan Rajabi

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 9642
Faculty: Faculty of Language and Literature
Address: Bloc 12, Teachers's residential headquarters, Pasdaran Blv. Sanandaj.
Phone: 1205


The Possible World Theory and Literature
The Possible World, Literature, Representation, Fictional world, literary theorists.
Researchers Erfan Rajabi


This study aims to raise some questions about literature , and specially fictional world, and at the same time attempts to provide a tentative answer to them. A fictional world , particularly a novel, fills out the silence of the blank page through words and produces a fictional universe of a kind. The question raised here is that : What would this world look like in another setting and in another language? To provide an answer to the question just asked, one has to imagine alternative worlds and alternative ways of being, thinking and talking. The possible worlds theory posits that the actual world is only one of the multitude of possibilities.The multiple world perspective proposed by possible worlds theory accommodates the existence of non-actual states of affairs and enables the extension of truth values to hypothetical entities and situations. Such an approach ha s interest for those who investigates the mental constructs and unrealized situations. In recent years , the adoption of possible worlds methods and terminology by literary theorists, particularly in narratology has revitalized interest in the area of philosophy. The major concepts are nature of fictionality and relative possibility, accessibility of different literary worlds. The present research claims that instead of sticking to mimetic theory and representational mode of reading of literature, one can adopt the possible worlds theory and bring about lots of change sin the concepts of criticism.