2024 : 7 : 28
Cyrus Amiri

Cyrus Amiri

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 4564457
Faculty: Faculty of Language and Literature
Address: English Department / Faculty of Forign Languages and Literatures / Sanandaj 66177-15175 / Iran.


Echoes of the Grave: The Dead Narrator in Orhan Pamuk's My Name Is Red
Narrator, author, postmodern fiction, "death of the author," non-human narrators
Researchers Eshaq Bezdoode ، Cyrus Amiri


This paper examines the narrative method of Orhan Pamuk's My Name Is Red to provide a better understanding of the rationale behind the use of a corpse as narrator. The kingdom of the postmodern fiction is ruled by characters that enjoy the liberty of being by eliminating the author. Could authors be dominant while they have already been eliminated themselves? A corpse is recollecting the story of his murder and this is how the very first scene of the novel is grasped. As far as this is the domain of "the probable impossibility," there is no space for wonder. However, when it comes to "the death of the author," the tombstone of which is a lively narrator, the grave is shattered and the traces are to be fastidiously examined. A missing author might be traced in a narrative which is following a normal narrative framework, but he is to be traced if the norm is not followed intentionally. Therefore, a corpse narrating a story is to be suspiciously treated, since the space left for the author, to represent himself, becomes spacious enough especially when it is accompanied by the narrative of the non-humans. A first-person narrator who/ which recollects the events, strengthens the idea of a present author as there are sometimes the same scenes which are being represented.