2025 : 2 : 13
Hassan Bevrani

Hassan Bevrani

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 55913436700
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Address: Dept. Of Electrical and Computer Eng, University of Kurdistan, Allameh Hamdi Blvd, Sanandaj PO Box 416, P. C: 66177-15175, Kurdistan, Iran
Phone: +98-87-33624001


Load-frequency regulation under a bilateral LFC scheme using flexible neural networks
Load frequency control, Bilateral LFC scheme, Artificial neural network, Flexible sigmoid function, Back propagation algorithm
Journal International journal of engineering intelligent systems for electrical engineering and communications
Researchers Hassan Bevrani ، Takashi Hiyama ، Yasunori Mitani ، Tsuji Kiichiro ، Mohammad Teshnehlab


A new approach based on artificial Flexible Neural Networks (FNNs) is proposed to design of load frequency controller for a large scale power system in a deregulated environment. In this approach, the power system is considered as a collection of separate control areas under the bilateral Load Frequency Control (LFC) scheme. Each control area which is introduced by one or more distribution companies, can buy electric power from some generation companies to supply the area-load. The control area is responsible to perform its own LFC by buying enough power from pre-specified generation companies, which equipped with a FNNs based load frequency controller. The proposed control strategy is applied to a 3-control area power system. The resulting controllers are shown to minimize the effect of disturbances and achieve acceptable frequency regulation in the presence of load variations and line disturbances.