
علی مرادیان

مرتبه علمی: استادیار
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی
اسکاپوس: 36551143100
دانشکده: دانشکده علوم پایه و فنی مهندسی بیجار
تلفن: 38239100

مشخصات پژوهش

محسبه ضریب هاماکر با استفاده از ماتریس پراکندگی در نواحی محدود بین دو سطح
نوع پژوهش
ماتریس پراکندگی، ضریب هاماکر، سطح محدود
سال 1402
پژوهشگران علی مرادیان


Applying the scattering approach, the Casimir interaction per unit area across a nonlocal slab of an electrolyte between two semispaces of ordinary materials has been investigated. Since the Maxwell’s boundary conditions, are not sufficient, additional boundary conditions are used as well. For polystyrene semispaces at small separations, increasing the concentration results in intensifying the Casimir pressure. It is illustrated that for silver substrates the Casimir pressure has the same amount for two electrolyte concentrations. At small separations for polystyrene semispaces, the Hamaker coefficient has two different magnitudes corresponding to two concentrations, but for silver substrates the Hamaker coefficient starts from the same value for both concentrations