2024 : 7 : 8
Abdollah Hassanzadeh

Abdollah Hassanzadeh

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 55046702000
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Phone: 09181777659


metamaterials, electromagnetism, negative refractive index, double negative materials, Backward waves, Reverse Doppler effect
Researchers Abdollah Hassanzadeh


Metamaterials are artificial and periodic media. It has been shown that metamaterials can exhibit a number of interesting and unique electromagnetic properties, that differ from the positive index media. Metamaterials challenge several well admitted concepts for conventional positive index media in electromagnetism and optics. The dimensions of these manmade structures can change from nanometers for visible light (nanorods) to a few millimeters in the case of GHz radiation. In 2000, Smith introduced a new material that can have simultaneously negative values of electric permittivity and magnetic permeability. Shelby was able to experimentally show that metamaterials display both negative dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability. The report was exciting and caused hot discussions in this field. After the first experimental demonstration of these materials, they have attracted intensive interests of many researchers worldwide and numerous attentions have been drawn to find the potential applications in optics and photonics. Certainly further progress in the theoretical and experimental investigations will help to clarify and discover other novel exotic properties of metamaterials. Various potential applications and novel devices, which can be built using these materials, encourage research groups all over the world to perform further investigations on metamaterials. In this workshop, the following topics will be covered: Metamaterials: an overview Basic concepts of metamaterials:  Several exotic properties of metamaterials: Negative refraction index, Backward waves, Evanescent wave amplification Metamaterial Cloaking Reverse Doppler effect Reversibility of Snell’s law