احمد امانی

احمد امانی

مرتبه علمی: دانشیار
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی
اسکاپوس: 111
دانشکده: دانشکده علوم انسانی و اجتماعی
نشانی: دانشکده علوم انسانی و اجتماعی، اتاق شماره 313
تلفن: 08733624005

مشخصات پژوهش

تاثیر آموزش به شیوه حلقههای پژوهشی بر بهبود مهارتهای ارتباطی، نگرشی و عملکردی دانشجویان
نوع پژوهش
مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
اقدام پژوهی، حلقههای پژوهشی، مهارتهای ارتباطی، نگرش به تحقیق
سال 1390
مجله راهبردهاي آموزش - دانشگاه علوم پزشكي بقيه اله
شناسه DOI
پژوهشگران مهدی نامداری پژمان ، محسن ذوالقدر نسب ، سیروس قنبری ، احمد امانی


Aims: Applying new cooperative methods in instruction has multiple effects on learning. Therefore, this study was implemented with the aim of investigating the effect of research circles method on improving students' communicational skills, attitude toward research and performance in action research. Methods: This quasi-experiment study with control group and pretest-posttest design was performed in 2010-11 academic year. The study population included all students in Shahid Maghsudi Teacher Training Center which where two 44-student classes were selected with purposive sampling method. The experimental action (Research Circles Method) was randomly assigned to one of the two groups. The attitude toward research questionnaire, the communicational skills questionnaire, the action research plans’ evaluation checklist and the action research test were used as data collection tools. Research circles method was implemented in 12 sessions. Results were analyzed by ANCOVA and independent T-test using SPSS 18 software. Results: Research circles had significant positive effect on communicational skills (F=7.89, p=0.001), attitude toward research (F=7.23, p=0.01) and the action research applying score (t=3.18, p=0.003), but had reverse effect on theoric action research score (t=2.33, p=0.024). Conclusion: Research circles method is a new method with multiple effects on students’ development. Therefore, higher education systems are suggested to apply such methods for gaining quality. Keywords: Action Research, Research Circles, Communicational Skills, Attitude Toward Research