Name Khabat Khosravi Affiliation دانشجوی سایر دانشگاههای داخل کشور Degree _ Website Email — JournalPaper Presentation Speech WorkShop Book Innovation GrantAttraction Thesis Festival FinishedProject Sales Art StandardCreation TitleJournal 1 Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Based on GIS and Novel Bagging-Based Kernel Logistic Regression Applied Sciences-Basel 2 A comparative assessment of flood susceptibility modeling using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Analysis and Machine Learning Methods JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 3 Shallow Landslide Prediction Using a Novel Hybrid Functional Machine Learning Algorithm Remote Sensing 4 Sinkhole susceptibility mapping: a comparison between Bayes-based machine learning algorithms LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT 5 Novel GIS Based Machine Learning Algorithms for Shallow Landslide Susceptibility Mapping SENSORS 6 Novel Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms for Spatial Prediction of Floods Scientific Reports 7 New Hybrids of ANFIS with Several Optimization Algorithms for Flood Susceptibility Modeling Water 8 Land Subsidence Susceptibility Mapping in South Korea Using Machine Learning Algorithms SENSORS 9 A comparative assessment of decision trees algorithms for flash flood susceptibility modeling at Haraz watershed, northern Iran SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 10 A Novel Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Approach for Flood Susceptibility Assessment ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE 11 Flash flood susceptibility analysis and its mapping using different bivariate models in Iran: a comparison between Shannon’s entropy, statistical index, and weighting factor models ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT