Name DieuTien Bui Affiliation پژوهشگر خارجی Degree _ Website Email — JournalPaper Presentation Speech WorkShop Book Innovation GrantAttraction Thesis Festival FinishedProject Sales Art StandardCreation TitleJournal 1 Swarm intelligence optimization of the group method of data handling using the cuckoo search and whale optimization algorithms to model and predict landslides APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING 2 A novel hybrid approach of landslide susceptibility modelling using rotation forest ensemble and different base classifiers Geocarto International 3 Flash flood susceptibility mapping using a novel deep learning model based on deep belief network, back propagation and genetic algorithm Geoscience Frontiers 4 Deep learning neural networks for spatially explicit prediction of flash flood probability Geoscience Frontiers 5 A novel ensemble learning based on Bayesian Belief Network coupled with an extreme learning machine for flash flood susceptibility mapping Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 6 New Ensemble Models for Shallow Landslide Susceptibility Modeling in a Semi-Arid Watershed FORESTS 7 A comparative study of support vector machine and logistic model tree classifiers for shallow landslide susceptibility modeling Environmental Earth Sciences 8 Spatial Prediction of Landslide Susceptibility Using GIS-Based Data Mining Techniques of ANFIS with Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) and Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) Applied Sciences-Basel 9 Hybridized neural fuzzy ensembles for dust source modeling and prediction ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 10 A Hybrid Intelligence Approach to Enhance the Prediction Accuracy of Local Scour Depth at Complex Bridge Piers Sustainability 11 A hybrid machine learning ensemble approach based on a Radial Basis Function neural network and Rotation Forest for landslide susceptibility modeling: A case study in the Himalayan area, India International Journal of Sediment Research 12 Development of an Artificial Intelligence Approach for Prediction of Consolidation Coefficient of Soft Soil: A Sensitivity Analysis The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal 13 Effects of Inter-Basin Water Transfer on Water Flow Condition of Destination Basin Sustainability 14 A Hybrid Computational Intelligence Approach to Groundwater Spring Potential Mapping Water 15 A novel hybrid approach of Bayesian Logistic Regression and its ensembles for landslide susceptibility assessment Geocarto International 16 A Novel Ensemble Artificial Intelligence Approach for Gully Erosion Mapping in a Semi-Arid Watershed (Iran) SENSORS 17 Flood Spatial Modeling in Northern Iran Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Comparison between Evidential Belief Functions and Its Ensemble with a Multivariate Logistic Regression Model Remote Sensing 18 Development of a Novel Hybrid Intelligence Approach for Landslide Spatial Prediction Applied Sciences-Basel 19 Predicting uncertainty of machine learning models for modelling nitrate pollution of groundwater using quantile regression and UNEEC methods SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 20 Land cover change mapping using a combination of Sentinel-1 data and multispectral satellite imagery: A case study of Sanandaj County, Kurdistan, Iran Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 21 Hybrid Machine Learning Approaches for Landslide Susceptibility Modeling FORESTS 22 Uncertainties of prediction accuracy in shallow landslide modeling: Sample size and raster resolution CATENA 23 Shallow Landslide Prediction Using a Novel Hybrid Functional Machine Learning Algorithm Remote Sensing 24 Meta optimization of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system with grey wolf optimizer and biogeography-based optimization algorithms for spatial prediction of landslide susceptibility CATENA 25 Landslide susceptibility modeling using Reduced Error Pruning Trees and different ensemble techniques: Hybrid machine learning approaches CATENA 26 Landslide susceptibility assessment at the Wuning area, China: a comparison between multi-criteria decision making, bivariate statistical and machine learning methods Natural Hazards 27 Novel GIS Based Machine Learning Algorithms for Shallow Landslide Susceptibility Mapping SENSORS 28 Novel Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms for Spatial Prediction of Floods Scientific Reports 29 Landslide Detection and Susceptibility Mapping by AIRSAR Data Using Support Vector Machine and Index of Entropy Models in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia Remote Sensing 30 A Novel Integrated Approach of Relevance Vector Machine Optimized by Imperialist Competitive Algorithm for Spatial Modeling of Shallow Landslides Remote Sensing 31 New Hybrids of ANFIS with Several Optimization Algorithms for Flood Susceptibility Modeling Water 32 Groundwater spring potential modelling: Comprising the capability and robustness of three different modeling approaches JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 33 Land Subsidence Susceptibility Mapping in South Korea Using Machine Learning Algorithms SENSORS 34 A comparative assessment of decision trees algorithms for flash flood susceptibility modeling at Haraz watershed, northern Iran SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 35 GIS-based landslide susceptibility evaluation using a novel hybrid integration approach of bivariate statistical based random forest method CATENA 36 A novel hybrid integration model using support vector machines and random subspace for weather-triggered landslide susceptibility assessment in the Wuning area (China) Environmental Earth Sciences 37 A Novel Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Approach for Flood Susceptibility Assessment ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE 38 A comparative study between popular statistical and machine learning methods for simulating volume of landslides CATENA 39 Shallow landslide susceptibility assessment using a novel hybrid intelligence approach Environmental Earth Sciences