2025 : 2 : 17
Saeed Sadeghi Boroujerdi

Saeed Sadeghi Boroujerdi

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 11
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


The Role of Sports
Sport, Parsons, social theory , social structures.
Researchers Saeed Sadeghi Boroujerdi


The Role of Sports This research explores Parsons' social theory based on the analysis of social systems, which aligns with the current social conditions in Iran. If we accept the notion that the primary structure and foundation of sports in the present era should focus on valuing the health and vitality of society, and that this thought should consider the peripheral structures for the development of sports, then Parsons' logic, which posits that society is composed of various structures each Structural Functionalism: If sports are considered as a part of health and vitality based on this thought, they can play a crucial role in the socialization of individuals, connecting institutions such as family, school, and society, and strengthening individuals' social skills. Additionally, sports play a role in strengthening value systems, promoting values such as solidarity, competition, and respect for rules through sports. Moreover, sports can act as a tool for social control and prevent deviant behaviors. The cultural impacts of sports are also significant, as they can symbolize various cultures and play an important role in creating national or local identity. Conflict Theory: Parsons views sports as an important social institution that helps social cohesion and creates norms and values within society. Sports can also teach new social roles to individuals, including leadership, cooperation, and competition. Furthermore, sports can help social adaptation and moderate tensions. In terms of health and well-being, sports can enhance the quality of life and improve public health. Negative Effects of Sports in Developing Countries:P arsons' perspective shows that sports in developing countries can play a deviant role. In these countries, instead of being widespread as a part of health and prevention of physical and mental diseases, sports may become a greenhouse model, depriving a large population of its benefits. Instead of creating social cohesion, it might lead to division and deviant phenomena. Economic and social issues can use sports as a distraction from major issues. Political and economic elites may focus on sports and entertainment instead of investing in social and economic infrastructures. This can lead to failure in sustainable development and increase corruption. Additionally, sports can strengthen ethnic identities and nationalism, which, in conditions of social imbalance, can lead to discord and social tensions. Ultimately, focusing on peripheral sports issues might cause neglect of more important issues such as poverty, unemployment, and social justice. Conclusion: Therefore, based on Parsons' theories, sports are not merely physical activities but complex social institutions that can have positive or negative impacts on cultural and social structures. This activity can strengthen social relationships and transfer values among individuals, but in some cases, especially in developing countries, it can play a deviant and inhibitory role.