2024 : 7 : 24
Saeed Ghaeeni

Saeed Ghaeeni

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 2312
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Phone: 08733779868


Comparison the effect of combination of mental and physical practices on the precision level of diagnosis of temporal alternation and motor range of students with vision disorders
mental practices, Physical practices, Mental – physical practices, Sensory motor capability, Vision disorders.
Journal International Journal of Sport Studies
Researchers Akram Ahmadi barati ، Saed AhmadiBarati ، Saeed Ghaeeni ، Naser Behpur


Background and objective: Researchers of this study after reviewing the former research on physical education of exceptional children found that there have been a few studies on the effect of mental practices on the sensory motor capabilities of children with vision disorder. This research is aiming at comparing the effect of combination of mental and physical practices on sensory motor capabilities of students with vision disorder. Materials and methods: Subjects in this semi-experimental study were 30 daughters: 9- year- old mental, 8/5- year- old physical and 9/9- year- old mental–physical practices groups with the vision sharpness maximum 0/05 to 0/5 Diopter in the superior eye. They were randomly placed in 3 groups of 10 persons physical and the combination of mental – physical practices ones according to the vision homogenizes sharpness. The duration of practices for each group included 8 weeks of two session 45 to 60 minutes for each session. Sensory motor capability was measured by the tests of motor range and temporal alternation imitation. The analysis of data was performed by SPSS software 'version 16' in two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics test of factor variance analysis and in case of significance LSD per suit test) was conducted (the level of significance %95 and the rate 0/05 as). Findings: Results showed that there was no significant differences between the growth rate of sensory motor capability of student with vision disorders participating in physical 'mental and mental-physical practices with the view of precision of both motor range imitation and temporal alternation performing. Discussion and conclusion: Finding of research showed that the physical education trainers should provide blind and low–vision children with motor chances regardless of practice type and security point observation.