2024 : 7 : 3
Reza Shafei

Reza Shafei

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 36631024400
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Address: Department of Business Management, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences , University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran
Phone: 08733664606


A Model for Adoption of Knowledge Management in Iranian Public Organizations
Keywords: Knowledge management, public organizations in Iran, model of knowledge management.
Journal European Journal of Social Sciences
Researchers Adel salvati ، Reza Shafei ، Shaiyegh Ebadi


This study examines knowledge management in the public organizations in Iran. The purpose of this article is to provide a conceptual framework for application of knowledge management in public organizations. The study indicates that an increasing tendency for implementation of knowledge management in organizations is emerging. Nonetheless knowledge management in public organizations is toddler and little has been done to bring the subject to use in the public sector. The globalization of change and popularization of some values like participation, citizen-orientation and knowledge-orientation in the new theories of public administration requires that the knowledge management is considered and attend to in the public sector. This study holds that a knowledge management framework for public organizations is different from this in the public sector, because public sector is stakeholder-dependent while the private is shareholder-dependent. Based on the research, we provide a conceptual model. The model proposed involves three factors: Organizational, knowledge citizens and contextual factors. The study results indicate these factors affect on knowledge management in public organizations in Iran.