2024 : 9 : 1
Rojiar Pir mohammadiani

Rojiar Pir mohammadiani

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 3216
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering


A novel method of spectral clustering in attributed networks by constructing parameter-free affinity matrix
Complex network Community detection Spectral clustering Attributed network Affinity matrix
Journal Cluster Computing-The Journal of Networks Software Tools and Applications
Researchers Kamal Berahmand ، Mehrnoosh Mahmoudi ، Azadeh Faroughi ، Rojiar Pir mohammadiani


The most basic and significant issue in complex network analysis is community detection, which is a branch of machine learning. Most current community detection approaches, only consider a network’s topology structures, which lose the potential to use node attribute information. In attributed networks, both topological structure and node attributed are important features for community detection. In recent years, the spectral clustering algorithm has received much interest as one of the best performing algorithms in the subcategory of dimensionality reduction. This algorithm applies the eigenvalues of the affinity matrix to map data to low-dimensional space. In the present paper, a new version of the spectral cluster, named Attributed Spectral Clustering (ASC), is applied for attributed graphs that the identified communities have structural cohesiveness and attribute homogeneity. Since the performance of spectral clustering heavily depends on the goodness of the affinity matrix, the ASC algorithm will use the Topological and Attribute Random Walk Affinity Matrix (TARWAM) as a new affinity matrix to calculate the similarity between nodes. TARWAM utilizes the biased random walk to integrate network topology and attribute information. It can improve the similarity degree among the pairs of nodes in the same density region of the attributed network, without the need for parameter tuning. The proposed approach has been compared to other primary and new attributed graph clustering algorithms based on synthetic and real datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is more effective and accurate compared to other state-of-the-art attributed graph clustering techniques.