2024 : 7 : 27
Naghi Shabanian

Naghi Shabanian

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 56079428000
Faculty: Faculty of Natural Resources
Address: Dept. of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, IRAN, P.O. Box 416, Postal Code 66177-15175
Phone: 08733620551


A study on influence of bacterial insecticide bitoxybacillin (BTB) on Larix sibirica
Bitoxybacillin , Bacillus thuringiensis, Larix sibirica, Photosynthesis
Researchers Naghi Shabanian


Entomocide formulation bitoxybacillin is produced as biotechnological synthesis of bacteries Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. thuringiensis. It has been widely used for long period of time ( more ten years) in Forestry and Agriculture all over the world. The Active components of the bitoxybacillin(BTB) are beta-exotoxin and crystal endotoxin. There is the evidence of the additional active substance existence named entomoside metabolite(EM)(Efimtsev E.I. et al., 2002). Its chemical structure are perhaps urasil. The secondary suppressing effect of the bacterial entomoside substances has been found not only on insects, but on the warm blood animals and plants as well. The latter case of above mentioned effect is one of the most important modern ecology problems. This research was carried out on the Larix sibirica seedlings to find how bitoxybacillin influences on Larix sibirica. In this research work morphological and physiological parameters of Larix sibirica seedlings have been studied. We have paid much attention to such aspects as: Lengths and the wet weight parameters, the content of pigments in needles and cotyledons , the number of buds and the photosynthesis rate. The results showed that the use of bacterial formulation bitoxybacillyn resulted in the decrease in wet weight , content of pigments and the photosynthesis rate parameters of Larix sibirica seedlings but lead to an increase in the number of buds in field condition.