2024 : 7 : 27
Naghi Shabanian

Naghi Shabanian

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 56079428000
Faculty: Faculty of Natural Resources
Address: Dept. of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, IRAN, P.O. Box 416, Postal Code 66177-15175
Phone: 08733620551


Ecology risk of entomocide bacterial substances application at forestry and agricultural phytocenosis
Forest. Ecology risk. biological entomocide
Researchers Naghi Shabanian


Application of entomocide substance is the most effective approach to improve forest and agricultural productivity. The modern prognoses is that biological entomocide substance production will be preferable against chemical one. As believed this due to the more ecology safety of the former. It supposed the partition of the bacterial (Bacillus thuringiensis) entomocide substances biotechnology synthesis would achieve the half of all entomocide substances produced at 2000 year. The current input of bacterial insecticide substances is of about 1% of total pesticide world wide production already. It was shown recently the secondary suppressed action of the bacterial entomocide substances not only on insects, but the worm blood animals and plants also. The search of the last effect is one of the most important modern ecology problem. The application of bacterial entomocide substances at the vegetation followed by pigment synthesis suppression as well as the genome apparatus damage. The search of the cause and the character of that application consequences is important in the context of biodiversity safety and human survive.