2025 : 1 : 10
Navid Rezaei

Navid Rezaei

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 9870
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Address: Basdaran Bolvar, Kuridstan University, Faculty of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department, Room 206
Phone: 087-33660073


Information Gap Decision Theory Based Preventive/Corrective Voltage Control for Smart Power Systems With High Wind Penetration
Corrective voltage control, information gap decision theory (IGDT), optimal power flow, preventive voltage control (PVC), smart grid, wind power.
Journal IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Researchers Amirhossein Khazali ، Navid Rezaei ، Abdollah Ahmadi ، Branislav Hredzak


This paper proposes a new approach for preventive/ corrective voltage control in smart power systems. Previous research works, which were based on deterministic methods, cannot be applied in the presence of high uncertainty caused by renewable generation and loads. Hence, newframeworks are required to handle the stochastic space of the problem. In this research, a robust approach based on the information gap decision theory is used to handle the uncertain space using the risk averse (RA) and opportunity seeker (OS) strategies. The RA strategy can provide an operation schedule for a given uncertainty budget in real time and with a required loading margin. The OS strategy helps us to decrease the operating costs in view of possible uncertainties. The proposed method was implemented according to the IEEE reliability test system. The results of this approach give the flexibility to select a degree of robustness considering the desired uncertainty budget.