2025 : 3 : 7
Navid Rezaei

Navid Rezaei

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 9870
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Address: Basdaran Bolvar, Kuridstan University, Faculty of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department, Room 206
Phone: 087-33660073


A Novel Loss-of-Excitation Protection Strategy Based on Reactive Power Increment of Synchronous Generators
LOE protection, voltage, reactive power, synchronous generator, stable power swing.
Journal IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
Researchers Ali Rostami ، Navid Rezaei


This paper outlines a novel loss of excitation (LOE) protection scheme for synchronous generators (SGs) based on reactive power increment (RPI) strategy and tracking the variation of SG output voltage (VSG). When variation of the VSG exceeds lesser than a specified threshold value, the proposed RPI strategy is triggered and VSG deviation is analyzed. For RPI execution, generated reactive power by SG (QSG) is shifted in increment direction. Following the applying RPI strategy, the VSG does not have any increasing changes during LOE events due to lack of excitation system to provide the required field current; while for Non-LOE (NLOE) events, VSG will be increased. Therefore, this provided feature by RPI strategy can properly and immediately cluster all LOE/NLOE events even under worst-scenarios. Due to powerqualityissues,thevalueoftheshiftedreactivepower(ΔQSG) is considered small as much as possible. Meanwhile, it does not require any extra devices for execution. The exhaustive simulation studies on the power system prove that, the proposed scheme is quite reliable for clustering all LOE/NLOE events, and is much faster than other available methods.