In this paper we provide the rst non-trivial evidence for universality of the entropy formula $4 \pi J_{0}^{+}J_{0}^{-}$ beyond pure Einstein gravity in 4-dimensions. We consider the Einstein-Maxwell theory in the presence of cosmological constant, then write near horizon metric of the Kerr-Newman (A)dS black hole in the Gaussian null coordinate system. We consider near horizon fall-off conditions for metric and U(1) gauge field. We find asymptotic combined symmetry generator, consists of diffeomorphism and U(1) gauge transformation, so that it preserves fall-off conditions. Consequently, we nd supertranslation, supperrotation and multiple-charge modes and then we show that the entropy formula is held for the Kerr-Newman (A)dS black hole. Supperrotation modes suffer from a problem. By introducing new combined symmetry generator, we cure that problem.