2024 : 12 : 21

Mohammad Rashid Salimi

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 12315632
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering


  • BSc. in Civil Engineering , Kurdistan , Iran (2006 - 2010)
    Thesis title:
  • MSc. in Earthquake Engineering , Kurdistan , Iran (2010 - 2012)
    Thesis title: Probabilistic Assessment of the Seismic Non-linear Response of SDOF system
  • PhD. in Structural Engineering , Kurdistan , Iran (2013 - 2018)
    Thesis title: Reliability–Based Development of Fragility Curve for Structures


Research activities

Journal Papers
Reliability-based stochastic finite element using the explicit probability density function Rezan Choobdarian, Azad Yazdani, Hooshang Dabbagh, Mohammad Rashid Salimi (2023)
Evaluation of Existing FRP-to-Concrete Bond Strength Models Using Data Envelopment Analysis Azad Yazdani, khaled sanginabadi, Mohammad Sadegh Shahidzadeh, Sanaz Razmyan, Mohammad Rashid Salimi, Davood Mostofinejad (2023)
Wavelet-Hilbert transform-based simulation of pulse-like ground motion Azad Yazdani, Mohammad Rashid Salimi, Ali Roshan-Miavagi (2022)
Consideration of data correlation to estimate FRP-to-concrete bond capacity models Azad Yazdani, khaled sanginabadi, Mohammad Sadegh Shahidzadeh, Mohammad Rashid Salimi, Arshad Shamohamadi (2021)
Conference Papers
Impact of Different Stochastic Processes on Reliability Analysis of Structures Arman Kakaie, Mohammad Rashid Salimi, Azad Yazdani (2022)
Sensitivity analysis of steel frame considering uncertainty Azad Yazdani, Sead Nasroalla Eftekhari, Mohammad Rashid Salimi (2012)

Research interests

  • Random vibration
  • Seismic hazard analysis
  • Reliability analysis