2024 : 7 : 27
Mohammad NazariPour

Mohammad NazariPour

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 56968230100
Phone: 08716624005


Review of Accounting and Economic Standards in Predicting Stock Returns in Tehran Stock Exchange
Stock Returns; Accounting Standards; Economic Criteria; Fundamental Analysis; Capital Asset Pricing
Journal International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences
Researchers Sasan Amini ، Mohammad NazariPour ، Mohamad KarimiPoya


Share return is one of those complicated abstraction which is interested by investors and decision makers the share return prediction is a vital issue which has involved the financial analyzers mind to itself. Various theories include capital assets pricing model (CAPM), factorial models (FM), Arbitrage model, Technical model (TM), and fundamental analyses (FA) for purpose of share return prediction and recognition have been discussed. The share return fundamental analyze is a function of massive economic condition, Industry position, and particular conditions of the firm. The particular conditions of the firm are consist of financial position and performance which presented in the essential financial statement from. The accounting science acclaims it prepares useful information for decision makers, so one of the information usefulness criteria of accounting and economical information usefulness through return share choice for prediction. Communication creation between economical and accounting criteria is the other goal, thus in the case of this result obtaining it can use of economical and accounting analyses for economical return and value extraction. The research location zone includes of accepted firms in Tehran exchange market, the temporary zone is the gap between 1386 and 1390, too. The research is consist of two independent varieties (economic criteria and accounting criteria), dependent variety (share return). This research is consisting of a direct hypothesis and 6 indirect ones. in the consideration of presented statistical analyses and total summery of research hypothesis assessment, stood over research independent varieties meaningful relation with share return prediction in existing firm performance measurement in Tehran capital exchange market during 2007 and 2011 is existed, between this research proportion is return of assets, earning per share, economical add value ratio, retained earnings ratio with positive quantity market add value with negativ