The percolation properties of an anisotropic fracture network (AFN) made of mono-disperse hexagons have been studied. In this network, a family of fractures is directed around the Z axis. We call this model a monopolar anisotropic fracture network (MFN). The fractures in the aforementioned network are oriented anisotropically according to the Dimroth-Watson distribution. A finite-size scaling method is used to extrapolate the percolation thresholds of infinite networks in three spatial directions, i.e., the X, Y and Z directions. The influence of the angular dispersion parameter of the fracture orientation on percolation thresholds is examined in the three directions. It is shown that, as the anisotropy of a network increases, the percolation thresholds in the Z, X and Y directions are changed. Qualitatively, the percolation thresholds in the X and Y directions increase; however, in the Z direction the trend is reversed.