2025 : 3 : 7
Mahmood Haji Rahimi

Mahmood Haji Rahimi

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 35621882300
Faculty: Faculty of Agriculture
Address: Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kurdistan
Phone: 008733620552


Estimation of Technical Efficiency of Wheat Farms “A case study in Kurdistan Province, Iran”
Production function -Technical efficiency - Wheat farms - Kurdistan Iran
Journal American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Researchers Hamed GHaderzadah ، Mahmood Haji Rahimi


The present study was conducted in the Saqqez city of Kurdistan province, Iran, in order to study technical efficiency of wheat farmers. The data were collected from both rainfed and irrigated farms in three different areas (mountain, semi-plain and plain), based on two stage cluster random sampling, for agricultural year 2003-2004. In total 210 farmers were interviewed. With respect to the coefficient of multiple determinations (R2) of estimated transcendental production function for rainfed farms, the variables included in this model are able to explain 66.1% of variation in the average production of rainfed wheat per hectare. The variables such as seed, positively, area situation, negatively, nitrogen fertilizer, negatively and plant protection chemicals, positively, were significant. The estimated transcendental production function model for irrigated farms showed that the variables included in this model were able to explain 61.8% of variation in the average production of irrigated wheat per hectare. The variables such as seed and human labor were significant at the level of one Percent and positively related. The average of technical efficiency for rainfed farms in the mountain, semi-plain and plain areas was 0.668, 0.646 and 0.651 respectively. The average technical efficiency for the entire rainfed farms area was 0.655. This showed that rainfed wheat farmers were technically less efficient. In irrigated farms, the average of technical efficiency in mountain, semi-plain and plain areas was 0.704, 0.684 and 0.646 respectively and for the entire area was 0.676. This showed that irrigated wheat farmers in the Plain area were technically medium efficient and in other areas’ farmers were technically less efficient.