2024 : 7 : 27
Kamran Mostafaei

Kamran Mostafaei

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 101
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering


Application of electrical resistivity method in sodium sulfate deposits exploration, case study: Garmab, Iran
Sodium sulfate exploration, Electrical resistivity method, CRSP array, Garmab, Iran
Journal Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences
Researchers Kamran Mostafaei ، Hamid Reza Ramazi


This paper is devoted to application of resistivity method in sodium sulfate mineral bodies exploration. Garmab area in central of Iran was selected as a pilot area for this research. Geological studies and preliminary explorations indicate that there are potential anomalies of sodium sulfate in the studied area, and there are some outcrops include marl with sodium sulfate as inter-bed in the alluvial plain. Therefore, Geophysical surveying was carried out in two steps. The first step was considered as testing ability of the applied method in order to assess its ability to detect the sodium sulfate bodies, and the second step has been devoted to estimate resistivity properties to explore the hidden bodies. In the first step, three profiles were designed and surveyed, as testing profiles. These profiles were located on some outcrops and/or over some sulfide bodies detected in a few trenches. The testing data was processed and interpreted and the results have led to a very satisfying contrast between resistivity of the sodium sulfate bodies and the host rocks. In the second step, 12 profiles with different lengths were designed and surveyed in Garmab based on geological and topographical results. Geoelectrical, resistivity, surveying was performed with an innovative array so called CRSP (Combined Resistivity Sounding and Profiling). The obtained data was processed and interpreted and some locations were proposed for drilling based on the highlighted outlines. Drilling results confirmed the resistivity results as well as its efficiency to explore sodium sulfate deposits.