2025 : 3 : 7
Kaveh Karami

Kaveh Karami

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 42761555500
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Address: # 210 at Department of Civil Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran. P.O.Box: 66177-15175


Decreasing the damage in smart structures using integrated online DDA/ISMP and semi-active control
Online structural health monitoring (SHM), DDA/ISMP, Nonlinear behavior, MR damper, Fuzzy logic controller.
Journal Smart Materials and Structures
Researchers Kaveh Karami ، Fereidoun Amini


Integrated structural health monitoring (SHM) and vibration control has been considered recently by researchers. Up to now, all of the research in the field of integrated SHM and vibration control has been conducted using control devices and control algorithms to enhance system identification and damage detection. In this study, online SHM is used to improve the performance of structural vibration control, unlike previous research. Also, a proposed algorithm including integrated online SHM and a semi-active control strategy is used to reduce both damage and seismic response of the main structure due to strong seismic disturbance. In the proposed algorithm the nonlinear behavior of the building structure is simulated during the excitation. Then, using the measured data and the damage detection algorithm based on identified system Markov parameters (DDA/ISMP), a method proposed by the authors, damage corresponding to axial and bending stiffness of all structural elements is identified. In this study, a 20 t MR damper is employed as a control device to mitigate both damage and dynamic response of the building structure. Also, the interaction between SHM and a semi-active control strategy is assessed. To illustrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, a two bay two story steel braced frame structure is used. By defining the damage index and damage rate index, the input current of the MR damper is generated using a fuzzy logic controller. The obtained results show that the possibility of smart building creation is provided using the proposed algorithm. In comparison to the widely used strategy of only vibration control, it is shown that the proposed algorithm is more effective. Furthermore, in the proposed algorithm, the total consumed current intensity and generated control forces are considerably less than for the strategy of only vibration control.