Many studies about morphology have been conducted in the field of entomo logy that their aims are clarification the relationship in closely related taxa and identificat ion different population within and between species. This study was conducted to determine differences in female body and genitalia plate of the Eurygaster integriceps (Scutelleridae) by looking at variation in the shapes using the method of geometric morphometrics. This research was conducted in Iran in 2013. Cross-validation tests based on discriminant functions (DFA) showed that genitalia plate of females can better discriminate populations (54%) than body of females (50.25%). Mult ivariate analysis on genital plates identified significant differences between populations from different areas (F=2. 1, p=0.002). Additionally, multivariate analysis on bodies identified no significant differences between populations (F=1.15, p=0.3). Allometry testing on genital plates was identified a significant difference between the size (centroid size) of the genital plates and 28 shape variables (Wilks’ lambda=2.47, p=0.0001.