This study examines how OCB determines job performance ratings within different team cultures, as measured by collectivism and individual teams. According to the multilevel data collected from a private bank in Iran, team collectivism and individualism were found to moderate the OCB–performance rating relationship such, OCB targeting individualisms improved rated performance in collectivist teams, whereas organizational OCB produced a significant improvement in individual teams. Result shows the positive relationship between OCBI and performance ratings was weaker in individual teams. Although meta-analysis shows that OCBO has a larger impact on job performance ratings than OCBI. Also in highly collectivist teams, OCBI mattered more in job performance ratings. Our analyses show that OCBO was positively related with job performance ratings in highly individual teams. Our findings argue that individualisms complying with group norms are evaluated positively, whereas violation of group norms is considered disloyal and results in sanction and exclusion. Regarding the current study design and the lack of direct estimation in-role definitions among supervisors, we cannot attribute the observed relationships either to actual employee performance or to supervisor perceptions in performance evaluation. KEYWORDS: collectivism; individualism; organizational citizenship behavior; performance; team culture