فرزاد حسین پناهی

فرزاد حسین پناهی

مرتبه علمی: استادیار
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی
اسکاپوس: 64546
دانشکده: دانشکده مهندسی
نشانی: گروه مهندسی برق، دانشگاه کردستان، سنندج، کردستان، ایران

مشخصات درس

عنوان اصول شبیه سازی سیستمهای مخابراتی بی سیم
شماره 7028145-01
مقطع کارشناسی ارشد
پیش‌نیاز Fundamentals of Communication Systems & Programming in MATLAB
توضیحات In this class, my aim is to illustrate how the theoretical principles underlying wireless communication systems can be translated into simulation models through basic matrix operations in Matlab. The majority of the simulation models presented here will steer clear of using pre-existing communication toolbox functions. This approach offers practicing engineers an opportunity to grasp the fundamental implementation techniques for modeling different components of a wireless system. The target audience for this course is primarily undergraduate and graduate students in the field of electrical engineering who aspire to familiarize themselves with the practical implementation of wireless systems. A reasonable understanding of Matlab programming fundamentals is assumed for the reader.