2025 : 3 : 7
Azad Yazdani

Azad Yazdani

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 7004218797
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Phone: +98-87-33668457


Stochastic Simulation Based on Finite-Fault Modelling from the 22 February 2005 (M 6.4) Zarand Earthquake in Iran
stochastic - finite fault - ω square - simulation - spectra decay parameter - quality factor - elastic response spectra
Researchers Ahmad Nicknam ، Azad Yazdani ، Saman Yaghmaei-Sabegh


The main objective of this paper is the simulation of acceleration time histories, recorded at one of the far-field stations of the destructive 22 February 2005 (Mw 6.4) Zarand earthquake in south part of Iran. The method and model parameters are discussed and the appropriate parameter values were selected or determined. The ability of this technique is validated by comparing the simulated and observed strong motions data. The finite-fault technique is used for simulating the recorded strong motion at the Zarand station located with 17 km distance from the hypocenter of the event. The results were validated against the observed data. The simulated strong motion acceleration, velocity and displacement time histories were shown to be in a good agreement with those of recorded data confirming that, the selected/calculated source-path-site model parameters are satisfactorily reliable, hence the model could be used in predicting the strong motion for another sites in the region. More over, the sensitivity of the peak ground acceleration of the station against the mean pathfrequency-dependent quality factor, Q(f), is also studied in this paper.