2025 : 2 : 17

Arman Ahmadizad

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 1397
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Address: University of Kurdistan, Pasdaran St, Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran
Phone: 08733664600


Examining the relation between leadership styles and the employees performance with the moderating role of organizational intelligence (case study: Mellat bank employees)
Organizational Intelligence, leadership Style, Performance, Mellat Bank
Journal INTAN management journal
Researchers Sayed Mohammad Moosavi Jad ، Arman Ahmadizad ، seyyed arman rastad ، moslem amjadi


The present research aims at investigating the relation between leadership styles and organizational intelligence and performance among Mellat bank employees. This research is applicable, from the perspective of purpose, and causal, from that of method. The statistical population of the study consists of 732 employees of Sanandaj Mellat bank. The sample size (258) was determined using Morgan table and random sampling. Standard questionnaires including organizational intelligence, Salzmann leadership style and performance questionnaire were used to evaluate the research variables. Questionnaire reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient for each of the research variables and for the questionnaire as a whole (0.92). Face and content validity also were used to determine the validity of these tools. Data analysis was done using SPSS (21) software and linear regression to test hypotheses. The findings indicated that there is a significant relation between the supportive leadership style and the employees performance. Moreover, the organizational intelligence has a moderating role in the relation between the supportive leadership style and the employees performance.