Name Eisa bandak Affiliation دانشجوی سایر دانشگاههای داخل کشور Degree _ Website Email — JournalPaper Presentation Speech WorkShop Book Innovation GrantAttraction Thesis Festival FinishedProject Sales Art StandardCreation TitleJournal 1 Spatial distribution of heavy metal concentrations surrounding a cement factory and its effect on Astragalus gossypinus and Wheat in Kurdistan province, Iran Global Journal of Ecology 2 Effects of seasonal grazing and annual mowing on floristic composition and plant diversity in the Saral rangeland, Kurdistan, Iran Global Ecology and Conservation 3 Effects of lead ions on germination, initial growth, and physiological characteristics of Lolium perenne L. species and its bioaccumulation potential ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 4 The effects of precipitation variability on the canopy cover of forage species in arid rangelands, Iran Arabian Journal of Geosciences 5 Comparing the effects of continuous grazing and long term exclosure on floristic composition and plant diversity in rangeland ecosystems of Saral, Iran International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology