Name Kayvan Ghaderi Affiliation کارمند دانشگاه کردستان Degree _ Website View Email k [dot] ghaderi [at] uok [dot] ac [dot] ir JournalPaper Presentation Speech WorkShop Book Innovation GrantAttraction Thesis Festival FinishedProject Sales Art StandardCreation TitleJournal 1 Marker-controlled watershed algorithm and fuzzy C-means clustering machine learning: automated segmentation of glioblastoma from MRI images in a case series Annals of Medicine and Surgery 2 Automated segmentation of meningioma from contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MRI images in a case series using a marker-controlled watershed segmentation and fuzzy C-means clustering machine learning algorithm International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 3 Flood susceptibility mapping using support vector regression and hyper-parameter optimization Journal of Flood Risk Management 4 Using marker-controlled watershed transform to detect Baker's cyst in magnetic resonance imaging images: A pilot studyUsing marker-controlled watershed transform to detect Baker's cyst in magnetic resonance imaging images: A pilot study JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SIGNALS & SENSORS 5 Flood Detection and Susceptibility Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Remote Sensing Data and a Machine Learning Approach: Hybrid Intelligence of Bagging Ensemble Based on K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier Remote Sensing 6 A New Robust Digital Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on LWT-SVD and Fractal Images Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication